Tuesday, September 25, 2007


When someone pays you a compliment you look them in the eye and say, “Thank you! I’ve been working very hard.”

I don’t care if you are just beginning or you are at the end of the fat loss journey, start taking compliments and quit dismissing them. It wears on your psyche to deny that you work hard, eat right, and look good. You deserve to hear those things and people really mean it. Even if you don’t believe it just fake it til you make it. You know why? The last thing you want to do is finally reach your fat loss goal and feel miserable about your looks. You gotta start NOW changing how you think. It’s a long process so use your whole journey to learn how to believe in yourself.

I want everyone to repeat after me: I promise that for the next week I will say…
“Thank you. I have been working very hard!!!”

Be proud of yourself and allow all the great things you deserve into your life. You owe it to yourself.