I am sitting at the truckstop watching everyone go by in their shiny pretty cars. It all started when my Mummy sent me some pineapple lumps. You'll have no idea what these are but suffice it to say they were the start of a 3 day stop, wandering through the junk food aisle at this nasty stinking truckstop. Once or twice I've even wandered into the restaurant and ordered eggs, or steak and fully intended to climb back into my car and head out on the road, but the very most I've achieved is a few laps of the parking lot! I actually ate chocolate for lunch today, and as I was licking the last bit of stickiness out from under my fingernails at the traffic lights, it dawned on me that why we are so fat here in the US is because everything is supersized (well duh) and that the Cadbury chocolate bar I paid $1.20 for at WalMart was 4 times bigger than the Cadbury chocolate bar I'd be able to get for the same price in NZ. And the worst thing is, I'd have been happy to eat that smaller bar. What a waste. (of my waist)
Anyway, I just climbed back into my car. You should see the mess: Candy wrappers, empty icecream carton... I am going to find some trash bags and dispose of all of this, then I am going to do something that I've never done before. PLAN MY MEALS for tomorrow. I am going to be back out on the road, puttering along until I get my sorry ass back into the fast lane. Please if you see me, toot your horn and don't race off into the distance. I need to get back up to speed again.