Think about the tapes you play that tell you that you don't have what it takes to lose weight. Imagine you are at goal. How does it feel? Are you afraid, happy, confused? What are your emotions? Keep a journal of the journey. See if there are any patterns that trigger certain behaviors. Make a plan! What are you going to do the next time the old tapes tell you that you are going to eat off plan.
I think I will buy myself a pretty notebook and start writing down my thoughts. For me personally, in the real world I hide behind my weight as far as my self confidence is concerned. Once I am at goal I am scared that I will stand out more and people will expect me to be more outgoing than I am comfortable with. Seeing that in writing made me smile because - its ridiculous to think that I don't stand out now as an obese woman! Talk about head games in my own mind .... !!!