Keywords for Leo: Leadership, bossy, children, generous, dramatic, ego, royalty, physical strength, playful, strong will, fun, sunny
If you take into account the keywords above, then you will see that this is a powerfully influential day showered with physical strength and strong will. No other sign has "will power" quite like a Leo. And determined? If you need a mountain moved, call on a Leo. Leo happens to be THE MOST physically strong sign of the zodiac and Leo also has THE strongest will. Now couple that with the NEW MOON and you have yourself an amazing outcome toward success IF you begin something NEW today! I'll say it again, anything that you begin today has a better chance of success. Whenever there is a New Moon or a Moon in Aries it is the best time to begin something NEW! Your new beginning starts at the moment you decide! If you have been trying to do something that involves "will power," then today is your lucky day!
Anything that you begin today has a better chance of success.
If you have been trying to do something that involves "will power," then today is your lucky day!