Saturday, June 30, 2007

Things to Watch in Week 3

I found a post today on the forum by curlygirl Amy that really came at the right time. I know that I've been guilty of relaxing a little too much, and not measuring accurately. I also eat red meat and have been drinking far too many shakes of late. But by far the worst thing, I think for me at least, has been the artificial sugars in such things as Da Vinci SF syrup. I really think they are keeping me out of ketosis, and increasing my hunger even if just a little.

  1. Keep a food journal e.g fitday and make it public!
  2. Are you adding extras like low carb tortillas, calorie countdown milk, etc. that are not on the list! KISS
  3. Eating too much cheese? (for best loss - skip the cheese!)
  4. Have you eaten beef recently? (it tends to hang around in your gut longer) Stick with fish & chicken.
  5. Have you eaten ham recently? (can be salty - may cause water retention)
  6. Are you using shakes as snacks instead of as meal replacements?
  7. Do you have carb creep? (people tend to be stricter in the beginning and then get more lax so tighten up your menu)
  8. Are you eating lots of processed foods? (they are saltier than food you make yourself - keep it real!)
  9. Are you eating too many little extras (SF Jellos, yogurts, etc.)? They are on the list but if you eat ALL of them every day, your weight loss probably will slow down!
  10. How are your portion sizes? Are you eating big portions because you truly are that hungry or just because that's what you are used to eating? Start weighing your food.

    You've made it this far so the plan is probably working well for you. Now is the time to be tightening up your menu and cutting out all the little extras.