step 1: Think about who you are right now and how you relate to other people and how you operate in the world - at work, at play, in love and in your family. Then complete this sentence "I'm the kind of person who..." e.g "who always puts others needs before her own" or "who hates being the center of attention." Try to come up with at least ten.
step 2: Take a stab at another list, but this time this of how you will operate as a former fat girl. Try revising your ten statements from step 1 and add any others that come to mind. e.g. "I'm the kind of person who knows how to take a compliment." or "I'm the kind of person who isn't afraid to voice an unpopular opinion."
Lisa suggests thinking about someone whose spunk you admire, who represents some of the characterists you want to display if this task is difficult.
from "Secrets of a Former Fat Girl: How to Lose Two, Four (or More!) Dress Sizes--And Find Yourself Along the Way " by Lisa Delaney. Also see: