Saturday, July 28, 2007

How to sustain healthy Self Motivation

In order to sustain healthy self-motivation, you need to:

  • Love yourself enough to believe you deserve to accomplish change in your life.
  • Set realistic goals.
  • Visualize successful change.
  • Be committed to personal health and self-satisfaction to attain and sustain change.
  • Devote energy, effort, sustained vigilance, and personal sacrifice.
  • Accept personal responsibility for problem behavior.
  • Believe that only through personal efforts can a problem behavior be changed.
  • Reinforce self success, no matter how small.
  • Be able to break a large goal into small increments, which are obtainable, reasonable, and measurable, and to reward yourself for the attainment of these sub-goals without regret over the remaining steps still needing to be accomplished or satisfied.
  • Accept that change of old habits is a lifelong process.
  • Realize that the efforts to change do not end once initial cessation of old behaviors is attained.
  • Believe that a work-oriented recovery lifestyle model is a lifelong process.
  • Sustain the change in problem behaviors.
  • Commit to a lifelong contract of behavior change.